Tired of a mundane and routine-ridden life? Head for the great outdoors and enjoy the excitement of living close to nature. Here are some ideas to make your camping trip a great experience.
- Obtain complete information regarding the area you are going to camp in and plan accordingly.
- Make a packing list of the things you need.
- Personal items, like clothes for the trip, should be simple, rugged yet comfortable, and suited to the weather and terrain. Don't forget an extra supply of toiletries.
- Food should be semi-cooked, dried or canned.
- If possible, take a lightweight stove for cooking and a set of cooking and eating utensils.
- Take ample supplies of potable water.
- Other useful things that should be taken are a first-aid kit, insect repellents, a map, a compass, a battery-powered lantern, a sheath knife, a small axe, a waterproof torch, batteries, a camera with films, ropes, waterproof matches, backpacks, sleeping bags and a tent with extra poles.
- Take an extra supply of garbage bags so that you do not litter the campsite.
- Choose a shaded campsite, on high, dry ground that drains easily, away from thick tree growths but near a good supply of water and firewood.
- Extinguish your campfire completely every time you leave your campsite.
- Respect wildlife in the area.
- Maintain a journal to record your camping adventures.
Happy Camping!