General Instructions

Trekking is a completely different world of activities when compared with our normal life. Uncertainties have to be faced with courage and determination. To face all these unlike problems, some important tips for a traveler on these adventurous yet demanding terrains are being described below:

  • a complete medical check-up prior to start trekking
  • toning up of the body and acclimatization should be strictly observed
  • patients of asthma and diabetes should restrict their climb up to 3000 meters above sea level
  • in case of any severe sickness, provide first aid and then make arrangements to bring the patient to lower area and to hospital
  • protect the body from changing weathers
  • use well broken comfortable walking shoes
  • collect maximum information about the track
  • keep all the equipment and food stuff in order
  • campsite should be preferably near the source of drinking water
  • do not camp under trees
  • pitch the tent on an inclined surface and dig a small trench around
  • set off for trek early in the morning, fording a stream will be easier at that time
  • after finishing cooking or after packing up the kitchen, extinguish fire completely, especially while camping in forests
  • clean the camp site before setting off and dispose off wastes and litter to protect the natural beauty of the area
  • check the first aid kit before starting off
  • keep a handsome amount of medicines to be distributed in local people
  • appoint a tour leader of group
  • keep the accounts of the tour properly as it will be helpful in future to design another expedition
  • make a diary of the tour
  • do not use shorts or knickers above a height of 3000 meters, moreover same instructions should be followed in villages or towns

Feet Care

Because of their distance from the body core, feet have the poorest circulation of blood. To make matters worse, they are always close to snow or ice while trekking, especially in low temperatures it may cause a frost nip or frostbite. To avoid this problem try to keep your feet dry and warm in adequate insulation. Practice well before trekking by walking daily to make your feet used to carry your body for longer distances. Massage your feet whenever you find a break or rest stop. One small blister can spoil the whole trekking program so try to keep your feet in extraordinary good condition. Similarly nails of your feet require special attention, especially walking down a slope if the feet are not properly fit in the shoes, it may break a nail, which is very painful. It is recommended to cut your nails deeply before start trekking.


Always use well-broken shoes while trekking and ensure that socks have no seams or holes, which may become a cause to develop a blister. Use of a powder or application of a crème is best to keep the feet fresh and to avoid blisters. A layer of sticky plaster or zinc oxide tape to the site of the rubbing is also useful. People who suffer from blisters invariably do so in the same places each time, and so these parts should always be protected before any walking is done. The sooner the offending site is treated, the less chances there is of the blister becoming a problem.

If the blister is allowed to develop beyond this stage, it is best treated by the application of a modern proprietary blister remedy. These products have an anti-septic, anti-friction jelly trapped between two layers of plastic and thus not only aid healing but also prevent further damage and make the blister comfortable enough for further walking to take place. If this is not available, the blister should be carefully burst with a sterile needle, dressed with a clean, dry dressing and covered in zinc oxide tape. If this adheres well, it is best left in place until base is reached. Sticking plaster, which includes a gauze pad should not be used as the friction between the plaster, the gauze and the foot can exacerbate the problem.

Cooking in the Tent

Cooking in the tent is risky. It's also a convenience and at times a necessity. The risk goes from the relatively minor ones of spilling pots onto sleeping bags or increasing condensation inside the tent to the deadly danger of tent fires or carbon monoxide poisoning. Nevertheless, cooking inside may be required if it is so windy or too cold that the stove will not operate outside. A tent vestibule is a big advantage because it provides the protection of cooking inside, with fewer risks.

Following are some additional tips on inside cooking

  • light the stove outside (or near an opening so it can be tossed outside if it flares ) and bring it inside only after it is burning smoothly
  • cook near the tent door or in the tent vestibule. This puts the stove near the best ventilation and lets you throw the stove outside quickly in an emergency
  • provide plenty of ventilation, this is critical, as carbon monoxide is colorless and odorless thus cannot be detected.

How to Clean A Sleeping Bag

After continuous use, a sleeping bag may become dirty and un-hygienic. The sleeping bag should always be kept clean and should not be shared. Since there are different types of sleeping bags so cleaning varies from bag to bag. Basically it depends upon the material of the bag.

Polyester bags pose no problem and can be washed in tepid water with a mild soap. Please do not wash with detergents and never dry-clean it.

The only type of machine to be used is the oversized, commercial; rotating drum washer but hand washing is safer and thus recommended. After washing, best method to dry a sleeping bag is to hang on a line for overnight and later keep in normal room temperature for another 24 hours. Down filled bags are not to be treated by this method and it is better to discard a dirty bag and to buy a new one.